Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Just some random squiggles :)

Hey there lovelies :) 

Can I just say WOW!!!! The summer went by so fast, its ridiculous. I mean feels like just yesterday school went out and now school (for me) starts in less than 12 days. It almost makes me want to cry. On a happier note, I haven't seen my friends in so long since I have been traveling, so maybe it's good that school is starting. Anyways I guess that's the  bad in good and the good in bad showing huh? (whoa that's deep, lol ) Actually that reminded me of this 
I'll leave you to think about that. 

Ian Somerhalder PictureAlso can we just take a moment to admire this mans beautifulness (lol i don't even think that's a word). For those of you who don't know him this is Ian Somerhalder. He is an EXTREMELY talented (very sexy) actor who is Damon in The Vampire Diaries which btw is a great show. He is also in a number of other movies but since I'm sure some of you aren't old enough to watch them I'm not going to put them up; if you're old enough and want to know what they are Google him. Not to mention hes also a great person who cares about the environment. He has a nonprofit organization called the ISF (Ian Somerhalder foundation) that helps the environment, go check it out isfoundation.com. But seriously though, holy shit, how can a person be more perfect.


On another random note, how have you guys been enjoying Shark Week? I thought the commercial for it on discovery channel was GENIUS not to mention hilarious. Here is the link for that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnDH1va7iC0. For those of you who don't know what Shark Week is SHAME ON YOU. Jk i love all my lovelies. Shark Week is is a week of awesomeness dedicated to Sharks, Sharks, and more Sharks. Discovery channel among other channels air documentary's about, you guessed it, SHARKS. 



Anyways I think that's enough random squiggles for one day. Until next time my lovelies. Emit Positive Vibes