Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Just some random squiggles :)

Hey there lovelies :) 

Can I just say WOW!!!! The summer went by so fast, its ridiculous. I mean feels like just yesterday school went out and now school (for me) starts in less than 12 days. It almost makes me want to cry. On a happier note, I haven't seen my friends in so long since I have been traveling, so maybe it's good that school is starting. Anyways I guess that's the  bad in good and the good in bad showing huh? (whoa that's deep, lol ) Actually that reminded me of this 
I'll leave you to think about that. 

Ian Somerhalder PictureAlso can we just take a moment to admire this mans beautifulness (lol i don't even think that's a word). For those of you who don't know him this is Ian Somerhalder. He is an EXTREMELY talented (very sexy) actor who is Damon in The Vampire Diaries which btw is a great show. He is also in a number of other movies but since I'm sure some of you aren't old enough to watch them I'm not going to put them up; if you're old enough and want to know what they are Google him. Not to mention hes also a great person who cares about the environment. He has a nonprofit organization called the ISF (Ian Somerhalder foundation) that helps the environment, go check it out isfoundation.com. But seriously though, holy shit, how can a person be more perfect.


On another random note, how have you guys been enjoying Shark Week? I thought the commercial for it on discovery channel was GENIUS not to mention hilarious. Here is the link for that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnDH1va7iC0. For those of you who don't know what Shark Week is SHAME ON YOU. Jk i love all my lovelies. Shark Week is is a week of awesomeness dedicated to Sharks, Sharks, and more Sharks. Discovery channel among other channels air documentary's about, you guessed it, SHARKS. 



Anyways I think that's enough random squiggles for one day. Until next time my lovelies. Emit Positive Vibes

Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Friday

Hey guys:) Happy Friday!!! Also Happy early 4th Of July :DDDD. Where I live we have this HUGE firework fest the week before the 4th Of July (which happens to be this Saturday) and I'm so exited (even though the high for tomorrow is 102 :O). It's at this enormous park called Celebration park, and there's music, food, and fireworks. My family and some friends are going together. Comment below what your plans for Independence day are. Also the link for my travel blog is now up so go check it out! I post all the places I want to go on there along with pictures videos etc. I'm also thinking about putting up and art blog with my original artwork and some of my favorite pieces on there.

On another note have you guys seen the movie Now You See Me? I heard it's really good but I haven't found the time to go see it. PLEASE COMMENT, I WANT TO HEAR YOUR OPINIONS.
Until next time my lovelies, remember Positive Vibes :)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

~Welcome To The Island Of Misfit Toys~

Hey guys!

So this is my first official blog post.... YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! Anyways i know that virtually no one knows about this blog but that doesn't matter. I created this page as a place to vent a place where I can share my hopes, dreams, and aspirations. I only hope that I can help inspire someone to follow their dreams. On my blog, I will include things about Travel (which i happen to love:), Fashion, TV shows, My art and tons of other random stuff. First off there are some things you shoild know about me ; I love to write (even though I might not be so great at it),I also love to draw (even though I'm not so great at that either), and when I dream I dream BIG. I plan to go to medical school (im a junior in high school) even though I want to act and sing as a career. So basically I plan to be an artistic singing doctor movie star that writes about her travels throughout the world. And you thought I was joking when I said I dream big. Anyways I hope you enjoy my little corner of cyberspace and be sure to comment any suggestions or anything I don't care people JUST COMMENT SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!
Until next time my lovelies, remember Positive Vibes :)